While performing eminent religious ceremonies, a Panchamrit (a holy liquid, which is a mixture of 5 things) is made, and offered to the Gods. Honey is one of the 5 elements of Panchamrit. As we know, honey is the symbol of sweetness. It is used to remind us the importance of being sweet and nice to others; in our thoughts and speech. Apart from this, honey has high medicinal and health properties. In ancient Ayurveda, honey is known to positively affect the imbalances of human body, and quicken the healing process. Procurement of honey is a task, and not all the collectors sell pure honey. However, we ensure complete purity of our products, including Honey.
Approximate weight : 20 gms
Material : Plastic container\Honey
Approximate weight : 40 gms
Material : Plastic container\Honey
Approximate weight : 60 gms
Material : Plastic container\Honey